Managing Warranties

The Warranties section lets you add warranties to the asset. A warranty is an agreement that you purchase from a vendor to recover the cost expensed during asset maintenance.  


To view the Add Asset Warranty dialog box, click the Add Asset Warranty link.

Adding a Warranty

With required permissions, you can add a warranty to the asset.

Note: An asset can have more than one warranty associated with it but with a different warranty category and type.

To add a warranty

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click the Add New Warranty link.

The Add Asset Warranty dialog box opens.

4.    In the Warranty Category list, select the warranty category.

The warranty category can be Standard, Limited, or Extended.

5.    Perform one of the following:

o      In the Warranty Type list, select an existing type of warranty.

o      In the Enter a New Warranty Type box, type a new type of warranty.

6.    In the Deductible box, type the deductible amount.

Deductible is the amount that you must pay while claiming an extended warranty.

7.    In the Warranty Cost box, type the amount to be paid to purchase the warranty.

8.    In the Cycle Type list, select the warranty cycle as Day, Month, Week, or Year.

9.    In the Cycle Length box, type the length of the warranty cycle.

10.  In the Begins field, type the start date of the warranty in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or select the date from the calendar.


In the Add Asset Warranty dialog box, enter the following optional fields:

·       In the Description box, type a brief description about the items covered in the warranty.

·       In the Vendor list, select a vendor from whom you want to purchase the warranty.

·       In the Reference Number box, type the unique number to track the warranty.

11.  Click one of the following:

o      Click Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Click Save & Add Another Cycle to save the information and add another warranty cycle.

o      Click Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Editing a Warranty

The Edit Asset Warranty dialog box lets you update or modify the warranty details.

To edit a warranty

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click the Edit link next to a warranty you want to edit.

The Edit Asset Warranty dialog box opens.

4.    Make the required changes.

5.    Click one of the following:

o      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Deleting a Warranty

With the required permission, you can delete a warranty.

To delete a warranty

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click the Edit link next to a warranty you want to delete.

The Edit Asset Warranty dialog box opens.

4.    Click Delete.

5.    In the Edit Asset Warranty dialog box, click one of the following:

o      Yes, Delete Warranty & Any Cycles to confirm deletion.

o      Cancel to close the dialog box.

Adding a New Warranty Cycle

You can add more than one cycle to a warranty but with different cycle type.

To add a warranty cycle

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click next to a warranty.

4.    Click the Add New Cycle to the Warranty link.

The Add Asset Warranty Cycle dialog box opens.

5.    In the Cycle Type list, select the warranty cycle as Day, Month, Week, or Year.

6.    In the Cycle Length box, type the length of the warranty cycle.

7.    In the Begins field, type the start date of the warranty cycle in the MM/DD/YYYY format, or select the date from the calendar.

8.    Click one of the following:

o      Click Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Click Save & Add Another Cycle to save the information and add another warranty cycle.

o      Click Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Editing A Warranty Cycle

You can modify or update the length and the start date of the warranty cycle.

To edit a warranty cycle

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click next to a warranty.

4.    Click the Edit link next to the cycle you want to edit.

The Edit Asset Warranty Cycle dialog box opens.

5.    Make the required changes.

6.    Click one of the following:

o      Save to save the information and close the dialog box.

o      Cancel to disregard any changes and close the dialog box.

Deleting a Warranty Cycle

Deleting a warranty cycle also deletes the warranty if only a single cycle is associated with the warranty.

To delete a warranty cycle

1.    Search and view the asset record.

2.    Click the Meters,Warranties tab.

3.    In the Warranties section, click next to a warranty.

4.    Click the Edit link next to the cycle you want to delete.

The Edit Asset Warranty Cycle dialog box opens.

5.    In the Delete Asset Warranty Cycle dialog box, click one of the following:

o      Yes, Delete Cycle & Warranty to confirm deletion.

o      Cancel to close the dialog box.

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